
How is the sensor applied to the body? - Order Diabetic Testing Supplies At Little to No Cost


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Frequently Asked Questions

Diabetes is an abnormal chronic condition in which the patient suffers from continuous fluctuation, i.e., high/low glucose levels in the body. This is also referred to as sugar, which is the main source of energy in the body.

When we eat, our body transforms food into glucose or sugar. The pancreas in our body performs the functionality of releasing insulin that reduces glucose. Insulin’s work is the opening of our cells for glucose to enter, allowing our body to utilize glucose to gain energy.

The main goal of diabetes treatment is to control sugar levels. The basic option for the treatment of diabetes is exercise, modification of diet, and insulin. Sometimes, oral modifications are also prescribed. However, if these treatments do not control glucose fluctuation, then insulin becomes necessary.

It is important to check your glucose level regularly. It is a bit complicated to know what insulin’s dose to take. The amount of dose depends upon a few factors which continuously fluctuate, like the food you eat, the amount of exercise you do, the stress level, your emotions, and much more. This makes glucose test strips and meter highly necessary for frequently and accurately monitoring glucose levels.

Glucose/sugar monitoring is the major tool one can use to check your diabetes control. With the help of this test, you can check your glucose level anytime. It is necessary to keep your test results log because it helps the healthcare provider understand your body’s response against your diabetes care plan.

CGM is a way to continuously track your glucose levels all over the day and night.

Through CGM, your glucose level is measured using a small sensor inserted under your skin, normally on your arm or belly. This sensor continuously measures your interstitial glucose level, which is found between cells in the fluid. With the sensor, your glucose level is checked after every few minutes. While the results are wirelessly sent to the monitor through a transmitter.

The therapeutic CGM fulfills the definition of durable medical equipment (DME) while the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) labels it for non-adjunctive use, which means you can use it for making treatment decisions without confirming the test results with a standalone home monitor of blood glucose. However, it should be noted that Medicare does not consider all marked CGM devices as therapeutic CGMs.

Medicare covers only a few specific CGMs, which are known as “therapeutic CGMs”. However, Medicare covers the therapeutic CGMs if you meet the criteria of Medicare Coverage.

The sensor should be applied on the upper arm’s back using an applicator, a simple disposal device. A 5mm filament is inserted under the skin after applying the sensor, including a tiny adhesive pad. Based on the experience of most patients, the FreeStyle Libre Sensor does not cause pain while applying.

To prevent skin irritation or discomfort, it is advised to select a different site and not the one you used most recently.

No, the sensor does not require stretching or pinching while you apply it. You should only apply the sensor on the back of your upper arm. It is important to avoid the areas where you have moles, scars, lumps, or stretch marks. To have greater functionality, select the area that normally stays flat and does not blend or fold during normal daily activities. The site should be at least 1 inch away from the insulin injection site. To avoid skin irritation or discomfort, make sure to select a site other than the one you have most recently used. Please refer to the user’s manual of FreeStyle Libre for more information.

You will have a lesser than 0.4 mm wide portion of the sensor inserted under the skin while the inside the skin is around 5mm; it makes it like the size of few strands of human hair. So, you will hardly feel the sensor while wearing it.

Some patients (like 5 out of 48, i.e. 10.48%) have reported mild skin irritations around the adhesive area and inserted site. The examples include erythema, rash, edema, itching, bleeding, infection, and induration.

Yes, you can also wear the sensor while exercising, swimming, showering, or bathing. However, you should not take the sensor in the water below 1 meter (3 feet) and submerge it for more than 30 minutes. The adhesive helps the sensor stay comfortably and securely in place for up to 10 days after the start-up period.

The disposable sensor has a limited life. It should be removed after ten days by peeling off the adhesive pad. It is designed to adhere to the upper arm’s back and provide accurate and reliable glucose readings for up to 10 days after the start-up period.

To remove the sensor, pull up the adhesive edge, which helps keep the sensor attached to the skin. Using a single motion, slowly peel it away from the skin. Note: you can use isopropyl or warm soapy water to remove adhesive residue on the skin.

After removing the sensor, start a new one. The reader will automatically identify the new sensor and will ask for your approval before starting it. However, if a sensor falls off before the defined limit of 10 days, the user should immediately contact Customer Service by dialing 1-772-212-0292.

Criteria for Medicare Coverage:

Following are the criteria which should be met (all criteria should be met) to get coverage of Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) and other related products:

  • The receiver should have diabetes mellitus.
  • The receiver should use BGM and frequently perform testing (four or more times a day).
  • The receiver is on insulin treatment with three or more insulin injections or a Medicare-covered continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (CSII) pump daily.
  • The receiver’s insulin treatment regimen should require frequent adjustment by the receiver based on testing results of CGM or BGM.
  • Within six months before you order CGM, the beneficiary will have an in-person visit from the treating practitioner to determine if the criteria discussed above are met and evaluate their diabetes.
  • Following CGM’s initial prescription, the beneficiary will have an in-person visit from the treating practitioner every six months to assess adherence to their diabetes treatment plan and CGM regimen.

A urination’s permanent impairment is a condition that cannot be treated medically or through surgeries. This condition can last long and for an indefinite duration, generally, at least three months.

Our delivery of urinary catheters is super quick and discreet. We deliver all over the United States and Puerto Rico.

Medicare covers intermittent catheterization for a person with permanent urination impairment, both urinary retention and incontinence. If you meet the basic coverage criteria, you will get intermittent catheterization coverage while the receiver or caregiver performs the procedure. Moreover, the receiver can also get intermittent catheterization by using the kit of sterile intermittent catheter kit if he meets the following criteria: the beneficiary lives in any nursing facility, pregnant women with injured spinal cord and neurogenic bladder, immunosuppressed, vesico-ureteral reflux with proper documentation while on an intermittent catheterization program, twice recurrent UTIs in 12 months before the sterile intermittent catheter program initiates. As an alternative to an indwelling catheter, Medicare also covers External Catheters for permanent urinary incontinence patients. For men, the Cure External Catheters is also offered by MyPainPro & Associates. You can also call 1-772-212-0292 to speak with our Urinary Catheter Specialists, who will happily answer all your queries.

A coude catheter also referred to as a coude tip catheter, is a catheter for urinary. It has a slightly curved tip for easy insertion. It is normally prescribed for patients with an enlarged prostate, and the curved tip of the catheter helps to get past the tight spot easily. Though it is mostly used in men, women can also use the coude catheters if they grow obstructions, requiring a curved tip urinary catheter. Along with being used by nurses and doctors, patients can also use coude catheters at home who need to self-catheterize for various reasons. To inquire more about the urinary catheters, please dial 1-772-212-0292.

The urinary catheter is a device used to conveniently empty patients’ bladder when they can’t do it themselves. While the intermittent catheters are designed to manage bladder drainage during bladder obstruction, urinary retention, and neurological disorders, resulting in the loss of sensation or even paralysis. By using intermittent catheters, the patients easily insert and remove the urinary catheter many times a day. It eliminates continuous wearing of draining catheter. If you leave urine longer in your bladder, it will cause urinary tract infection (UTI) or distended bladder. With the help of intermittent catheterization, you can decrease these problems and have a better life quality.

Moreover, the flexibility of removing the urinary catheter after the bladder is emptied allows one to live an active and more comfortable lifestyle. In a few patients, these intermittent catheters might also improve urinary incontinence. For any query, please dial 1-772-212-0292. Our expert urinary catheters will happily answer you.